Objectives & Values

Our Company Objective and Value Aims:
Serene Residential Care will actively enable each and every one of the people in our care to achieve their personal best, however it is defined by them and with them. Our services are dedicated and structured to ensure that each person enjoys the same right to a happy and fulfilled life regardless of their level of support. Each individual in our care begins an inclusive and personalised pathway of support from the point of access designed to support them to develop the necessary skills to experience or maintain their optimal level of independence. We aim to develop and nurture the best ‘team around the person’ to ensure each individuals success including ensuring friends and family are equal partners with the professionals we employ.

4.1 To ensure meaningful user involvement by working inclusively, collaboratively and in genuine partnership.
4.2 To promote carer and family involvement (where this is desired or therapeutically appropriate).
4.3 To nurture positive interpersonal relationships in order that everyone is treated with fairness, respect and dignity.
4.4 To support individuals in fulfilling their potential and achieving a meaningful life.
4.5 To encourage individuals to progress through a person centred pathway that promotes increasing levels of independence and choice.
4.6 To ensure objectives for care and support and positive outcomes are at the forefront of care planning from the outset.
4.7 To integrate collaborative on-going assessment and formulation that is aimed at identifying the changing care and support needs of individuals.
4.8 To enable individuals to continue to access their community, regardless of their physical disability/care needs.
4.9 To adopt high quality, care and active support practices to encourage continued modernisation and development of services.
4.10 To ensure the individual remains at the heart of everything we do.
Core Ethos and Values:
5.1 The service is underpinned by a human rights approach to clinical practice that upholds the five core values (FREDA):


Our service values are best understood in relation to the “Enabling Environment Initiative, which focuses on creating and sustaining a positive and effective social environment. Enabling Environment’s core values include:
Belonging – the nature and quality of relationships are of primary importance.
Boundaries – there are expectations of behaviour and processes to maintain and review them.
Communication – it is recognised that people communicate in different ways.
Development – there are opportunities to be spontaneous and try new things.
Involvement – everyone shares responsibility for the environment.
Safety – support is available for everyone.
Structure – engagement and purposeful activity is actively encouraged.
Empowerment – power and authority are open to discussion.
Leadership – leadership takes responsibility for the environment being enabling.
Openness – external relationships are sought and valued.
To provide comfortable and attractive accommodation which people can truly regard as their home.
To focus upon identifying “meaningful occupation” for people, and supporting them to develop new interests and skills.
To recruit and retain the best staff and provide them with excellent quality training so that they have the necessary skills to work with our Service Users.
To support people to manage their own behaviour through analysis, positive reinforcement, being open minded about why people behave in certain ways, and being imaginative and positive about supporting them to change.
To monitor ourselves through a robust system of quality assurance and internal governance, in order to constantly identify where we need to improve, and how to do so.
Our underpinning values are to treat everyone with dignity and respect, to take pride in everything we do and to always have positive and enthusiastic attitudes, even when things are difficult.
Our operating cultures:
•Place individuals at the heart of everything in a partnership arrangement wherever possible.
•Ensure day-to-day practice is embedded in an overarching framework of support whereby the whole team around the person consciously takes into account the interaction, communication and flexibility of each individual we support.
•Provide a comprehensive individually tailored care / support plan that is proactively delivered by the whole staff team in an integrated, systematic and consistent manner.
•Support ways of working that are fully integrated (not based on hierarchical differences), collaborative (shared responsibility and decision-making) and inclusive of the whole staff team and individuals.
•Encourage and foster the delivery of high quality compassionate care that is appropriately managed, supported and contained.
•Establish a culture of reflective enquiry that involves the whole staff team being able to ask, “Can we safely explore together and/or with the individual what might be happening here and how best we can support”?